  1. Milk and Honey

From the recording this is how it goes

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Wake up cause I can’t quite sleep
Drifting and out of a half baked dream
To wander through the darkness to the soft light of a stovetop screen

Barely seeing you standing there
Wide awake pulling up a chair
Pluckin bulk store cherries from a bowl just big enough to share

But that was so long ago
A history that barely feels like mine
I wish you could understand
I see things from the other side

Can we go back to the days
When you brought me milk and honey
Cause my world felt too damn hard to stay shut down
And oh what I would give
To trade in your gifts and money
For the kind of love I’d like to keep around

Fast forward a year or four
Screws are coming off of the bedroom door
Cause privacy’s a privilege
Earned by only those that don’t keep score

No room for tears or doubt
No more comfort, it’s all run out
You’re all grown up with expectations
That’s all it’s all about

But that was so long ago
A history that barely feels like mine
I wish you could understand
I see things from the other side

Can we go back to the days
When you brought me milk and honey
Cause my world felt too damn hard to stay shut down
And oh what I would give
To trade in your gifts and money
For the kind of love I’d like to keep around

One o’clock two o’clock three o’clock
Tick tock
I tiptoe to the kitchen in my one bed home
I’m all alone
Light a match at the gas stove and watch it burn
As the spoon of honey turns
Round and round and round again
Three o’clock four oclock five
This ritual’s now mine
To try and put the demons back to bed’

Can we go back to the days
When you brought me milk and honey
Cause my world felt too damn hard to stay shut down
And oh what I would give
To trade in your gifts and money
For the kind of love I’d like to keep around

Sometimes you try so hard
Still I can’t let down my guard
And people want to know
What it would take to finally lead the charge